Thursday, February 9, 2017

Free answers to tax questions from Gabriel Krikunetc

In the state of Tx, Was my self insured employer supposed to tax my WC income for the year?

I was injured as well as on WC for 90% of 2016. My W2 shows the full year of wages was taxed including WC. Now I'm confused if I am assumed to claim my WC income on my tax return.
A: No, wc benefits AREN'T taxable. Your employer is wrong is it paid you wc benefits. If they somehow withheld taxes (ss and FICA tax as well) it owes that cash back to you at once! However, if it was a wage continuation program, rather than TIBs payable under the wc Act, that is an issue that is totally different. The determining factor is whether your self-insured employer paid TIBs and/or IIBs or a wage continuance to you. A hint would be if you're a salaried employee and received the same weekly payment following your injury as before. TIBs are calculated based on your own average weekly wage for the preceding 13 weeks before your injury and multiplied by either .70 or .667 depending on your hourly rate.

Real estate questions answered free from Gabriel Krikunetc

Faulty grant deed issued from 2015 default tax auction -assessor will not amend- affecting my rights

He'll simply issue a corrective title in the event the newest owner requests it- property acreage in san bern co. I'm next parcel -the lost bulk of property descrp that is legal and the clauses of it's drastically change my commercial operation. Ex, ingress & egress. New owner knows he has a title that is incomplete. He needs to impede my accessibility (which ive enjoyed for 24 yrs) I need to correct this historical chain of title deed to represent correct public information- Is not there a law about public info that assessor is breaking?.

Immigration questions online free from Gabriel Krikunetc

Does my wife need to update her name on her green card before filing an I-130 for me (husband/spouse)?

I myself am a foreign national who married my wife who is a US permanent resident. We got married in the usa and she took my surname upon marriage. (1.) Does my wife, as the I130 petitioner, need to submit an application for a brand new permanent resident card with her surname that is updated before filing the I-130 or will our US marriage certificate suffice? (2.) Also, she's 3 middle names (Example: Jane Alexandria Victoria Elizabeth Doe). Her permanent resident card has all her old names; yet, our marriage certificate just has her first name, first middle name, second middle name initial and my new surname (Example: Jane Alexandria V Thomas). Which name should she comprise on the I-130 in accordance with my first question? Thank you.
A: Immigration law is changing almost daily now and it's unwise to put it charitably to attempt to represent yourself in an immigration matter. Only an Immigration attorney has the expertise to properly fill out immigration forms and put together the appropriate bundle of records and other evidence to support the immigration gains you're trying to get. Yet, especially in these troubled times, you really have to keep an immigration lawyer. This is not a do-it-yourself project! You must focus on keeping experienced immigration counsel, especially now that immigration is a whole lot more prohibitive since Trump is now President.

Business law short answer questions from Gabriel Krikunetc

Is it illegal to host a paid service that manipulates's search algorithms by having bots create accounts?

A: You've got to look at your provider arrangements --all the things you signed saying "I accept" involved in the chain of your site. Whether your internet is supplied by Mozilla or Google or others they all have user agreements. Kind tasks that are willing to bet entombed in there may be something specially account creation. Because in the event you run afoul of Homeland Security regs your investigator will undoubtedly be from the FBI, you are going to have major searches notably for anything it seems like you disposed of, kiss your harddrive adieu etc. you would like to watch it You really need to break down and pay an attorney skilled in user arrangements to a) figure out your vulnerability and the way to sturcture to prevent it b) if your site must be located in a specific state , as it were c) whether it's recommended for you to be a corporation d) the user agreements you will request any users/purchasers to sign; You are past d.i.y. time